Zero To Three: Child Abuse Prevention and many more resources
I’d like to share with you some of the work ZERO TO THREE does to address the needs of abused and neglected infants and toddlers across the country. With your support, we are helping to transform the experiences of infants, toddlers, and families in the child welfare system.
The Safe Babies Court Teams approach increases knowledge among all those who work with maltreated children about the needs of infants and toddlers and how to work with each child and parent. Together, we design tailored services to address the root causes of abuse and neglect and heal the parent-baby bond. by Matthew Melmed
“What I got from the Safe Babies Court Team was a room full of people asking what they could do to help me, what my strengths were, and how we could build on those. We agreed on a plan that my son would stay with my sister, how often I could see him, and we started taking action for me to get back on track and for my son to be returned to my care as soon as I could show them that I was willing to do the work.”
– A mother who participated in our infant-toddler court team