Creative Dramatics – An Introduction
Why are Creative Dramatics important?
Creative dramatics activities help children develop confidence, self-esteem, empathy, literacy skills such as beginning-middle-end, sequence, plot, characterization, gesturing, vocabulary and grammar.
“In socio-dramatic play, the language and social interactions of children and supportive adults promote the development of self-regulation, executive function, inhibitory control, and other important foundational strengths that children will need for ongoing successful learning.” ( D.B. Elkonin, “The Psychology Of Play,” Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology, Jan.-Feb. 2005)
And they’re fun!
Look Inside our book, Pockets ~
It features a Let’s Play Pretend section (p.24-27), an action-packed word-by-word guided pretend “walk” which can be enjoyed indoors as well as out. While stepping, hopping, galloping, tiptoeing, and crawling, children learn how to clap “the beat” to the movement words and how to make a “knock-knock-knock-knock” sound with the tongue.